Sunday, October 30, 2011

Does anyone read this stuff?

Just curious if anyone reads what is posted here on the Nutt Family Blog! It may not be very exciting to read about the lives of some 'nutts', but do we read just for fun or for information

What I'm saying is... when people come to this blog what is their purpose? Is it entertainment or educational? Is it both? I would think a good blog would include both for all types of readers! Also, what type of readers are you people that come to this sight? Oh and also if you have regularly have been checking this blog to see if I, Paul Nutt have been posting... what is with you!!! I haven't posted anything for almost a year!

But I hope to change that! I know nothing has been posted since December 2010! But that has changed today! So keep an eye out for regular updates, if you care! And tell your friends about our blog that tells all the ups, downs, exciting and yes, dare I say... boring things of the nutt family!!!

Your life will never be the same!
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Thursday, December 9, 2010

2010 Nutt Family Newsletter

It is finally again the end of another year. We draw closer and closer to our Lord coming back to take us to Heaven. Heaven indeed sounds sweeter and sweeter the older you get. I would have to say that 2010 was probably the hardest year yet in my life, in our marriage and for our family. Yet, through it all, the Saviour brought us thru it. The Lord has been so good to the Nutt family this year and we just want to praise him for how good he is. Looking back over the year shows just how good God has been. When January came we were preparing for Grace’s birth. We had a baby shower on January 9th given to us by our church here in Iowa. We continued to prepare but during this time I was scrambling to find work and finally work came thru Manpower with a company I worked with on and off for the rest of the year. C & S Bird Feed Company has had me employed on and off throughout the year.

Then early Tuesday, January 26 morning, Steph’s water broke and we went to the hospital where Steph labored for almost 23 hours and then at 1:32 A.M. on January 27, Grace Madison Nutt was born to us. I remember the first thing being is that her crying sounded just like a kitten crying. Mom and Dad Trader drove out to see us and Grace, and Dad Trader stayed till the following Monday, February 1 and had to get back because of work, while Mom stayed to help out with Grace till that Saturday, February 6 where she caught the Amtrak train that took her back to Michigan. They were a blessing to see and spend time with. February 14th, Valentine’s Day, Grace got to go to church for the first time. Uncle Tim Nutt came out to Iowa for a visit March 13 & 14th to see his niece. In April things starting to slow down at work and eventually shut right down and did not pick up till June. We’ve been managing with unemployment for now. On April 30-May 1, the three of us went to a Marriage Retreat in Ames, Iowa that our church puts on and it was very informative. We especially took note to the sessions on child rearing. This is a retreat Steph and I look forward to going each year, but this year we didn’t have the money and thought we wouldn’t be able to go and God so graciously made it possible so that we could go. In May and June Steph and I celebrated our first Mother’s Day and Father’s Day and also another big event was Steph turning 30 this year!

Also in May the three of us borrowed a car from a church friend and we went to Michigan for vacation for the family to see Grace. It was a very relaxing vacation because we stayed for almost two weeks (May 26 to June 8). Grace got to meet all of the Nutt/Feldman clan on her Daddy’s side and then see her Grandma and Grandpa Trader again plus her Uncle David, Great Grandpa Giles and Grace got to spend Memorial Day with her cousin’s Autumn & Tyler Trader, Grandma Ruth Nutt and Uncle Tim Nutt. It was a joy to go see the very first church service for Northridge Baptist Church in Chesterfield Township, Michigan on June 6, that Pastor Tim Nutt is pastor of. I believe God is going to use him greatly. We got back to Iowa and it was back to work for us. I was able to work again for C&S and the summer rolled by quickly. In August, Steph started taking Cake Decorating Classes at Hobby Lobby and she has her own website in case you didn’t know with pictures of her past cakes and I might add she is very good at decorating cakes and cupcakes or cookies. Her website address is:

Also in August, Steph started The Pampered Chef business and is doing very well. God has really opened the door for her to sell the kitchenware products and accessories. If any would like to order Pampered Chef or just find out more information on it, please feel free to contact us. In August for me I got to be an actor in a short movie that a church friend of mine put together for teen camp. It was a comedy which talked about how good God is and that we ought to “taste and see the Lord is good…” In late September, Steph and I started Weight Watchers for one month. We knew we needed to lose weight badly and Weight Watchers was offering a half off for one month price and so we joined for just one month and to date I have lost 20lbs and Steph 6lbs. Oh, and Grace is just gaining pounds, she is now at 18lbs 1oz. In October we had such an Indian summer so we had garage sales for two weekends just to clear up some clutter. Also, October 23, here at our mall in town they had a craft show with tables set up and so Steph and I tried to sell Pampered Chef and some bakery delights such as decorative cakes and cookies. Cupcakes and brownie bites. Sad to say but Pampered Chef sold better than our little bake sale.

In November I turned 36 and realized I got just four more years till I’m 40! Sigh! Thanksgiving was nice and quiet for us as we celebrated with watching the parades on TV and a nice Turkey dinner around noon and then later in the day we had some church friends over for a very nice fellowship. God has sure been good to us this year and we are very thankful for all that he has done and are looking forward to what he will do in 2011. We so want to thank all our family members for your love and support while we have been out here in Iowa. Your prayers have been so appreciated. Iowa has been tough but very good for us, not just as a family but also as we take our spiritual journey.

Throughout the year we have had ups and downs, as I’m sure you have also. But one constant remaining thing has been that God is always with us every step of the way. The Devil tries to destroy our family or our lives but God is there to give us grace to get thru it. We know the Devil has many more trials, temptations and snares for us but God is faithful and as the verse says in 2 Corinthians 9:8 And God is able to make all grace abound towards you; that ye, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work:. We know not what the future holds for any of us, but we cling to that verse as a promise from God. Steph and I hope to grow closer to God in the next year than ever before. We hope to see more people won for him, more lives that were wrecked by sin, changed gloriously for him. Please continue to pray for us as we also pray for and love you all very much. Merry Christmas everyone and have a God Blessed New Year!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Grace loves McDonalds!!!!

Hello everyone!! Tonight we took Grace out to eat at McDonalds and she enjoyed her time very much. As you may know, Grace is now 10 months old. She is walking with our help and is barely talking. Most of it is still gibberish but she is very alert and is having conversations with us. She grunts and waits for us to respond back to her.

Tonight was her first time we got her a McDonalds Happy Meal! Steph and I got her a Chicken McNuggett Happy Meal and she went to town on the fries. Mommy cut them up so they were bite size for her and, yes it's official... Grace loves McDonalds french fries (so does Daddy)!!! Enjoy the pictures!!!!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Today was a lazy day!

Today was a very lazy day for the Nutt family. Today was my day off and we had planned work to do around the house but it was raining and sleeting half the day and then very windy and cold so we just decided to stay in side and played with Grace and we also watched a "Extreme Home Makeover" on the Internet and then some TV. Steph and I did manage to get the finances worked on and Christmas looks very iffy. Way to much money, probably more than we have to pay our regular bills and then for the trip back to Michigan for Christmas, so we might just have to stay home for Christmas. I don't want to do that but not for sure what to do!

Grace is still growing like a weed and we can just barely make out some English words she is saying. But they are mostly her repeating what we said, some one worders, (is that a word?).

Uncle Tim called and talked to me for a little while on the phone. It was good to talk to him briefly. Final got on the treadmill we bought from some church friends on Wednesday. It worked great! We put it in front of the TV and I was able to walk for a 1/2 hour and watch sports. This treadmill even has a timer on it to keep track of how long you have walked and how far you have walked. Very nice! We spent dinner time around the table, the 3 of us and just laughed up a storm while eating pork chops with baked potato's, cooked carrot slices and salad. Grace just made us laugh with her funny faces and the gibberish she was saying. It sounded like she said the "ninja" at the end of a sentence and I told Grace that she couldn't be a ninja when she grew up but that Daddy wanted her to be a mom and a housewife. I said to Grace "just leave that ninja stuff to turtles."

Grace got a bath tonight from Mommy and as Mommy came out she said "I should have just taken a bath with her cause she was splashing so much, getting me wet. Probably shoulda had you Daddy in her to help so we could have tag teaming to give Grace a bath." Mommy put too much water in the bath tub and Grace took advantage of it. Mommy then put her to bed with a bottle and she wasn't hungry so she started crying fiercely so I went in to calm her down but she wouldn't calm down till I rocked her to sleep. Daddy almost feel asleep himself in the chair. After I felt she was thoroughly asleep I put her back into her crib. Grace will be 10 months old by the end of this month. It's unreal how big and how fast time is going by. I will be excited, so I think, to talk to her when she can talk.

I'm glad today is Friday and not Saturday. At least I get another day to relax before going into Sunday with church and Monday back to work. Less than two weeks to Thanksgiving and Steph and I are already in the Christmas mood. We listen to Christmas music and at times I eat like crazy to practice having a Santa figure. Just kidding! I weigh in tomorrow morning and I think so far I have lost 25lbs since September 26. I have noticed I have a lot more energy and can fit into more clothes that were retired or so I thought.

Steph and I with Grace gathered around the piano and sang hymns. It was a good time of family closeness and it was fun to see Grace try and hit the keys while standing against the piano. Well, lets just say that Mommy and Daddy sang while Grace sang in her own 'key'. Lol! Well tomorrow's weather should be the same as today's so I may night do much tomorrow, cept maybe get Mommy to give me a haircut. Later!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

What is Armistice Day?

I asked myself the same question so I went online to find out and wow! It was interesting, but I only will copy & paste the history facts and if it wets your whistle then you can go research more yourself. This is the day when we thank God for the veterans. We thank God for victory in World War I. We thank God for those who paid the supreme sacrifice so that we might be free. We thank God for the servicemen and women and pray for them. So let us pause today to ask God's blessings upon our servicemen and women. LET US PRAY FOR THOSE WHO ARE FACING SERIOUS DANGER TODAY. Let us pray for those by name whom we know personally. Thank you for reading...

Veterans Day: The Forgotten Meaning
The eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month.

That was the moment at which World War I largely came to end in 1918. One of the most tragically senseless and destructive periods in all history came to a close in Western Europe with the Armistice -- or end of hostilities between Germany and the Allied nations -- that began at that moment. Some 20 million people had died in the fighting that raged for more than four years since August 1914. The complete end of the war came with the Treaty of Versailles in June 1919.

The date of Nov. 11 became a national holiday of remembrance in many of the victorious allied nations -- a day to commemorate the loss of so many lives in the war. And in the United States, President Wilson proclaimed the first Armistice Day on Nov. 11, 1919. A few years later, in 1926, Congress passed a resolution calling on the President to observe each November eleventh as a day of remembrance:
Whereas the 11th of November 1918, marked the cessation of the most destructive, sanguinary, and far reaching war in human annals and the resumption by the people of the United States of peaceful relations with other nations, which we hope may never again be severed; and

Whereas it is fitting that the recurring anniversary of this date should be commemorated with thanksgiving and prayer and exercises designed to perpetuate peace through good will and mutual understanding between nations; and

Whereas the legislatures of twenty-seven of our States have already declared November 11 to be a legal holiday: Therefore be it Resolved by the Senate (the House of Representatives concurring), that the President of the United States is requested to issue a proclamation calling upon the officials to display the flag of the United States on all Government buildings on November 11 and inviting the people of the United States to observe the day in schools and churches, or other suitable places, with appropriate ceremonies of friendly relations with all other peoples.
Of course, the hopes that "the war to end all wars" would bring peace were short-lived. By 1939, Europe was again at war and what was once called "the Great War" would become World War I. With the end of World War II, there was a movement in America to rename Armistice Day and create a holiday that recognized the veterans of all of America's conflicts. President Eisenhower signed that law in 1954. (In 1971, Veterans Day began to be marked as a Monday holiday on the third Monday in November, but in 1978, the holiday was returned to the traditional Nov. 11 date).

Today, Veterans Day honors the duty, sacrifice and service of America's nearly 25 million veterans of all wars. We should remember and celebrate those men and women. But lost in that worthy goal is the forgotten meaning of this day in history -- the meaning which Congress gave to Armistice Day in 1926: "to perpetuate peace through good will and mutual understanding between nations ... inviting the people of the United States to observe the day ... with appropriate ceremonies of friendly relations with all other peoples."

The Veterans Administration website offers more resources on teaching about Veterans Day.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

This day in History...

Today is the birthday of two different type of men. One was a politician and one was a Pastor. But both became a President.

On October 30, 1735, John Adams was born and would become a lawyer, politician and then became the second President of the United States. Let us today thank God and pray for our Presidents. Even if we don't agree or like them!

Also, on October 30, 1883, the great preacher, evangelist, philosopher, Bible student and college founder and president was born. This man was Bob Jones, Sr. Bob Jones was president of Bob Jones University in Greenville, South Carolina. Pray today for your preacher and be especially thankful for them. A good pastor is very hard to come by today!
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Thursday, October 28, 2010

9 months and counting!!!

Yes! Grace is 9 months old as of yesterday. She has been saying momma and dada mixed in with her babble. We didn't get to carve that pumpkin yet but when we do I'll post pics. Hope ya like the picture of Grace.

Gonna be cold here in Iowa, down in the 20's tonight. I hope all our family is well tonight. Watching World Series tonight while Grace and Steph in bed sleeping. Rooting for Texas Rangers to beat San Francisco Giants! Game series is Giants 1-0.

I'm sadden that today is the date for the founding of Harvard University in 1636. This college that was started to train preachers is today nothing like that and it saddens me think how much bad goes on at this place of so called 'higher learning'. Someone has said, "As go the schools, so goes the nation." God help us!
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