Sunday, October 30, 2011

Does anyone read this stuff?

Just curious if anyone reads what is posted here on the Nutt Family Blog! It may not be very exciting to read about the lives of some 'nutts', but do we read just for fun or for information

What I'm saying is... when people come to this blog what is their purpose? Is it entertainment or educational? Is it both? I would think a good blog would include both for all types of readers! Also, what type of readers are you people that come to this sight? Oh and also if you have regularly have been checking this blog to see if I, Paul Nutt have been posting... what is with you!!! I haven't posted anything for almost a year!

But I hope to change that! I know nothing has been posted since December 2010! But that has changed today! So keep an eye out for regular updates, if you care! And tell your friends about our blog that tells all the ups, downs, exciting and yes, dare I say... boring things of the nutt family!!!

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