As I sit here right now, I'm contemplating could I have helped my wife out more today around the house, in the garage or maybe watching our daughter, Grace? Could I have worked harder at my jobs today. Could I have organized my time better today or did I waste another day that God gave me? It's a question we all should ask our self. And if were honest, I think we all could do more? The ministry that Jesus had while he was on this earth was short and he did not have much time to dilly dally. I believe he did not waste the time that was given to him. This thinking can help us to be more for Jesus if were honest with ourself and act upon the conclusions we come too.
I just love this picture of Grace. Grace just loves to look at her self in the mirror and last Friday night when the family went shopping at the mall, I just had to take Graces picture. Doesn't it just look like there is two of them.
Everytime we pass by a mirror, if I'm carrying Grace then we just stop and make faces in the mirror and it is such a fun time. It's also neat to see the look on Grace's face. She will get perplexed at first and then realize that what she is seeing is Daddy and her and start to smile and then when I start making funny faces or growling at the mirror, which is what Grace does a lot of right now. She loves to growl. But mirror time is always fun. I am starting to pray with Grace usually in the mornings. She does not understand the concept of praying nor closing her eyes while I pray nor being quiet while I pray. But there are times I will open my eyes while I carry her as I pace and she will just be looking at me and have on her face a look like what are you doing Dad. I must say that being a Dad is more fun than I realized. I can't think though about being a single parent. That would be very tough. It is nice that when I get tired of Grace, I can hand her off to Mommy! In fact tonight was Mommies cake decorating class and I watched her for two and half hours. No problem I enjoyed it. But it was nice to hand her over to Mommy when she got home. Tomorrow night I will do the same as Mommy has a Pamper Chef party to go to.
My Wolverines barely won on Saturday against Noterdame, 28-24. But hey a win is a win. Go Blue this Saturday!!!
This here is a picture of Grace I took tonight while Mommy was gone. I was trying to read her this book, but Grace right now can't sit still for me to read to her so instead I gave her the book to play with, as you can see in the pic, and wouldn't you know it that book went straight for her mouth. Another item that gets drooled on. But you will be pleased as you can see from this next pic that not only is Grace crawling but is standing and pulling herself up on her own to stand next to the couch. Steph and I really believe she is very advanced for her age and I think she will be walking before Christmas. And possibly saying words before her 1st birthday.
Grace at 7 months is already pulling herself up to stand on her own. |
So, are any of you enjoying the nice fall weather. We did! So much that the whole family cleaned up the garage today. It needed to be done, but I was not up to tackling the big job but after nearly 2 hours we got her looking great. Now Steph wants to do a garage sale and see if we can sell any of our junk. Anybody interested in helping? Just kidding! If you live out of state just disregard that last sentence. Well I will finish by saying I hope everybody is well and leave me a comment or email me and let me know what you think of the Nutt Family Blog.
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